On the Road Again...

My trip itenerary:
5/13 Heading out on the road, going as far as we can today, heading towards Nacogdoches, Texas. There we will be getting some upgrades on the RV which will take a few days....we then head on to Hangout Music Festival in the Gulf Shores of Alabama!
5/20-22 Hangout,Gulf Shores-AL
5/23-6/1 Travelling and camping in the Ozarks-Arkansas
6/2-5 Wakarusa Music Festival, Ozarks-AR
6/6-6/8 Travelling towards TN
6/9-12 Bonaroo Music Festival, Manchester-TN
6/13-6/23 Travelling towards Atlantic City, NJ
6/24-26 Dave Matthews Show in Atlantic City, NJ
6/27-31 Travelling towards Upstate NY
7/1-3 Phish Concert in Watkins Glen, NY
7/4-7/13 Travelling towards West Virginia
7/14-17 All Good Music Festival, Masontown, West Virginia
7/18-24 Heading back towards Kanab, UTAH for family friends Wedding, then Back to Oceanside!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Arkansas is not so bad after all...

I had yesterday off as well as today and I must say that yesterday was AMAZING. I woke up and had breakfast made for me, then went for a massage and it was incredible. I made another appointment for monday morning. Ha. I went and saw bridesmaids the movie and it was hilarious. We were laughing so hard I was crying at some points. We then went to a "mexican" restaurant. It was by far the worst food I have personally ever eaten. It was so bad that we got it for free. Today we are going to see something borrowed and check out thrift shops in the area. The only major downer is the dry county laws. There is no alcohol to buy in the area. S A D. But we made the drive to the next county and stocked up. :)
I am having a great couple days off!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hotel Day

Tonight because of storms we are in a hotel just to be safe. I have my own room with a king bed and I am in heaven!!! I took a long, hot shower, and now I am drinking wine watching the American Idol finale. Tommorow (depending on the weather) we are going to Arkansas. Nothing too exciting has happened in the last few days, it has actually been really relaxing.

I was a little hesitant to go on this trip at first because I was worried that I would get lonely or bored but its been just the opposite. As much as I miss Corey, I think this trip is exactly what I needed. I really feel like I am finding myself again.


Monday, May 23, 2011

On the road again

Well Hangout Festival is over. It was way more than I expected it to be. The people were really nice, not a lot of "wow, a slice for six dollars" complaints, and most importantly, I think that the girls had a great time.
I went into the tent on saturday and sunday to help out and I got to see the Foo Fighters on saturday and Michael Franti - The black keys - Paul Simon on sunday. I was counting tips and dancing alone to the music. Our pizza tents were right on the beach it was incredible.
Now we are on the road to the Ozarks in Arkansawwwww. The first stop is at an RV park (that has cell service, or so they say) for about a week and then off to Wakarusa Music Festival.

I am exhausted, running on little sleep. I think I could use a drink. But, I am having a lot of unexpected fun and am really happy I am here.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hangout Music Fest

Well the last couple days have been really fun. The beaches here are beautiful and the sand is amazing. It almost feels tropical. The girls are having so much fun playing in the sand and using their new boogie board. They both went on a huge trampoline jump thing today and I was so shocked that they both loved it as much as they did. We got snow cones, and an awesome dinner.
Side note: the people who are attending this concert look like they grew up a little too close to the power plant if you know what I mean.
I saw so many pairs of long patchwork shorts and fake boobs it was pretty crazy. The people watching is great here. I also learned today that when hippies are looking for concert tickets they hold up a number on their hands (for example : they hold up a piece sign means they are looking for two tickets). I found that out today after my dumb ass asked someone why everyone is holding up peace signs. The lady looked at me like I was an alien. Then asked where I was from.
Needless to say, it really has been an awesome show so far and I feel really lucky to be able to be doing this with the people that I am.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We drove into the night last night through Texas, Mississippi, and ended up in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We drove through what we think was some flooding, and there was a lot of dead animals on the side of the road but it was a pretty quick, painless ride. I woke up today and was greeted with "happy birthday alicia, can we open your gifts now????"
We went for a morning swim at the pool, then came over to the Hangout site and had some lunch, went shopping, and I just woke up from a nap. Rough life, I know.
When we got back after lunch the girls were so excited to give me their gifts. I got a Hello Kitty singing card from Zelda and a Princess card from Lola. They both wrote in them and decorated them. I just might have to save them forever. Their gifts were AWESOME. I had been saying that I should get a cheapie kids fishing pole so when we have time we can stop and fish so they got me a Barbie travel pole that is bright pink, and perfect for me. I also got some of the vanilla iced coffee that I love for the Keurig, a weighted jumprope for working out at the festivals, and a bright purple mag light. I was so shocked and happy I could have cried. I was a little worried about being on the road for my birthday and not really feeling the birthday spirit but they made it very special.
The beaches on the Gulf Shores are more beautiful and pristine than I had imagined them to be. The sand is bright white and fine, and the ocean is so blue against it. We are going to put our suits on and go see what the Gulf ocean is like.
Today has been a really special day. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

carnie princess has returned...

Today was a great day...i was woken up to Lola coming in my bed around 5am to snuggle, it was the best feeling ever because I was a little cold and this warm little snuggle bug came in to keep me warm! we got ready and went for a hike Lanana Trail that was really pretty. There was a ton of greenery and a creek that we walked along. We came across an old cemetary and took pictures. We then went into downtown Nacodoches and ate at a really cute cafe then went back to the RV. The RV is being worked on so we are at the Marriot in Lufkin living the good life. Before we checked into the hotel we had time to kill so I got a PEDICURE. It felt amazing!! I just took a long, hot shower and did my hair. I feel like a million bucks. Today was a great day. xoxo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day Three

Today we arrived in Nacogdoches, TX around 4pm. The weather is perfectly sunny with a breeze. We are at an RV park that is right on a small lake filled with turtles and geese. I was a little hesitant at first because it seemed really honky tonk but it turned out to be perfect. Nacogdoches is the oldest town in Texas with the oldest buildings. Just thought that was kinda interesting. We went out to eat and got some pretty good Tex-Mex and Cadillac margaritas. We are here for a few days while the RV gets some upgraded headlights, so tomorrow we are going to hike for a bit (or until the ladies give up and we give in) and explore around our area! I am going to have some more wine, take a nice hot shower and go to bed! xoxo

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day Two. Adventures in Nannying.

It is 11am and we are in New Mexico! We stayed thirty minutes past Tucson in a park and ride that was just dark and boring last night. We woke up to these amazing boulders and beautiful red rocks surrounding us. The girls had a breakfast picnic outside and then we were off around 8am. Now we are in Las Cruces, New Mexico at the Harley Davidson shop taking a small rest break. Not sure where we are ending up tonight...xo
Its almost 6:30 and we are somewhere close to middle of Texas, which is a total shit hole if you ask me. We stopped at a Pilot gas station to fill up and there was so many creepers it was out of control. One creeper in particular was staring at the girls and looked over at Lola and said "That one must be a real pistol". After my death stare he walked away. Then Zelda dropped a snow globe, it literally exploded glitter onto our feet and all over the floor, then we got some food, got yelled at by a trucker for apparently not being polite enough (picture this: Me walking through a crowded Pilot with two little ladies and my hands full with snacks and drinks. I come to the door and tried to exit quickly-which wasn't quick enough for the two ton trucker and he yelled to me that I wasn't polite and a loud "your welcome for letting you go first". Apparently he has run out of meth.) Then I am walking through a maze of semi trailer's pumping diesel trying to find the RV (which I obviously tuned out JJ when she told me to stay put and she would come back for me. Whoopsie) then come to realize that it is not there. So I had to run back inside with the girls and there I found chris and JJ.
So now I just gulped some Shiraz and feel like a million bucks...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day One

Today we left Oceanside around 11am, we were hoping to get out a little earlier, but with last minute details to finish up we got a late start. We are heading towards Texas which is where the RV is going to get some upgrades. We stopped in Yuma, AZ to get gas and I got suckered into buying the girls Hello Kitty sippy juice bottles and lunchables. They explained to me in detail that the lunchables were okay to eat only while riding in the "camper" because they are "travel meals". I have read half of The Glass Castle today and have watched Bolt!, How to train you dragon, Bambi and Hello Kitty cartoons.
Now as I type I am looking at the desert landscape with mountains in the distance. There are random "houses" along the I-8and I have no idea what they are doing out here, let alone how they are managing to live. Its hot as hell and I have never been happier to have air conditioning. I am going to sign off and pour my first glass of well deserved Vino for the day.